April 4th, 2017

Cosmetics industry gets virtual make-over

An IoT business has launched an AR virtual make-up app for smart mirrors at Insight Retail Live Sydney last week.

Launched by Hong-Kong based actiMirror, the app uses next-generation connected smart mirrors equipped with a high-power CPU and upgraded cameras and touch screen capabilities.

“The implementation of AR represents the holy grail of omnichannel integration today, and is a tremendous breakthrough for the actiMirror team,” said company CEO Victor M. Ruiz.

“We have successfully attracted many international flagship retailers because no competitor can currently match the engaging way we deliver both real-time customised experiences to consumers and priceless data analytics insights to businesses.”

When a person approaches the smart mirror, built-in sensors activate a high-resolution display showing personalised content that matches their particular needs.

Content is then carefully selected to match specific interests based on a combination of anonymous demographic traits and object identification – typically a product sales tag – via Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

According to a 2015 report by global research firm Gallup, businesses that optimise emotional connections outperform competitors by 26 per cent in terms of gross margin and as much as 85 per cent in sales growth.Technology analysts Gartner have stated that 6.4 billion connected devices will already be in use in 2016, up 30 percent from 2015.

“It is important to remember that more mirrors mean more data points, which leads to better-informed, more profitable decision-making,” said Ruiz.

“With data, you do not need an opinion, without data, you just have an opinion”.